Biopolymers and cell. 1991. Volume 7. 4. 97 - 104




Chloroplast DNA Topoisomerase I From Pea Leaves




    Chloroplasts of pea leaves were isolated by step gradient isoosmotic percoll, chloroplast DNA-topoisomerase. was isolated from them by fractionation in two-phase system ammonium sulfate/polyethylenglycol-6000 with the following purification by using column chromatography. The some properties of DNA-topoisomerase was searched. The dependence of relax activity of the enzyme from Mg2+ ions, its blocking by ethydium bromide, the absence of relax activity stimulation by polyamines: spermidine, spermin, cadaverine and the character of distribution of the topoisomers in the gels allow us to characterise the topoisomerase as prokaryotic type I.