Biopolymers and cell. 1994. Volume 10. 3-4. 93 - 99


Y. S. Fedorenko, D. M. Irodov, L. I. Lihacheva, S. M. Podolskaya, V. A. Kordium






    In this study we cloned two fragments of total DNA of human genome from leukocytes and placental cells, which capable provide of autonomously state of pYF40 cloning vector (in which there was consisted) in Sacch. cerevisiae. The obtained fragments have in l ength: 6,5 (from leukocyte) and 3,4 kb (from placental cells), respectively. This fragments can provide high transformation in yeast (102—103) transformants (10 ng plasmid DNA). We have obtained long expression of apo-Al human gene carried by extrachromosomal recombinant DNA, which contain cloned ARSs (autonomously replications sequences).