Biopolymers and cell. 1994. Volume 10. 6. 36 - 44


D. L. Kirik






    Recent information on the genetic organization of Campylobacteria, agents of All in human, is presented in the analytical literature review. The results on molecular biology of Campylobacteria pathogenicity are summarized, such as the presence of tights, entero-toxin, main membrane external and surface proteins. Gene coding for the Campylobacteria resistance to antibiotics (Km, Tc, Cm), are cloned and their nucleotide sequence is determined. Resistance to antibiotic has got the plasmide character and some plasmids possess more than one determinant. Mechanism of the genetic exchange of Campylo¬bacteria (transduction, transconjugation, (transformation) is analysed. Genome sizes are determined at present time pairs of chromosomes of some strains are constructed. Application of molecular biological methods for practical epidemiological investigations is shown: gel-eleclrophoresis in the electric field, endonuclease restriction DNA-analysis, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, immunoblotting, riboidentification, plasmid analysis and the polymerase chain reaction.