Biopolymers and cell. 1996; 12 (2): 68 - 73



Approaches to gene identification of Campylobacteria genus bacteria by polymerase chain reaction with universal primers


D. L. Kirik, L. N. Burianovsky, E. A. Sliablovskaya, I. V. Plnchuc, N. M. Krolevetskaya, V. I. Kikot


Preliminary studies on development of gene identification method of Campylobacteria genus bacteria on the base of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with using universialoligonucleotide primers — REP (repetiŽtive extragenic palindromic sequences). For all strains of Campy lobacter jejuni PCR-product was peculiar 600 pairs ofnucleotides. Five group ofPCR-serovars in strains C. jejuni, one serovar(Lio 32) differed on minoric fragments. It can be of importance for difinition of infection source while epidemic analysis.