Biopolymers and cell. 1996; 12 (6): 112 - 115



Obtaining and analysis of provirus cDNA for C-terminus part of capsid protein for tobacco TVM strain isolated from region with nuclear contamination


A. L. Boyko, S. A. Stepanjuk, O. M. Garifulin


Two identical strains of tobacco type TVM have been isolated at region with Cs nuclear contamination with apparently 12,6 Ci/km activity density and recombinant plasmids (pTVMQ, pTVM9.5> with insert ofcDNA provirus and cDNAfor C-end specific capsid protein region correspondency from one of isolated viruses have been obtained. Sequencing analysis of cDNA pTVM9.5 revealed on one nonconservative amino acid replacement of leucine instead of valine in position 130 with comparison of that at standard T VM sequencing.