Biopolymers and cell. 1997; 13 (4): 323 - 327



Structure rearrangement of plasmid pATVS in transgenic mice. J. Study of structure of the integrated transgenome and biological effects of transgenosis


L. I. Chashchina, A. I. Petrenko, 1. N. Vagina, K. V. Krysan, A. P. Solomko


Interactions of avion Rons sarcoma proviral DNA with mouse genome during transgenesis lead to significant modifications of the vector molecule. Two stable genetic structures derived from tram- genome were discovered.' extrachromosomal circle DNA and DMA, integrated into mouse genome. In the integrated DNA there was a complete loss of pwviral DNA sequences and a partial deletion of bacterial vector plasmid. The. presence of exogenic DNA in trans-genic mice cells had a profound influence on the function of their genome, characterized by the increase in tumorigenity and the decrease of fertility. Genetical and physiological changes induced by the transgenome are the consequence of its interactions with the mice genome. Our results indicate that the transgene caused the structural and functional destabilization of mouse genome.