Biopolymers and cell. 1997; 13 (5): 397 - 402



Structure rearrangement of plasmid pATVS in transgenic mice. 2. Physical mapping of autonomous transgenome and sequencing of cloned fragment of its modified region


L. 7. Chashchina, K, V. Krysan, V. I. Matkovsky, A. P. Salonika


The existence of extrachromosomal transgenome in several sub-strains of transgenic mice was shown. This transgenome is a modified pATVS plasmid. Analysis of its structure and biological properties demonstrated that the ori and ampicillin resistance regions of bacterial part of pATVS did not change, but the proviral part of initial plasmid had severely modified. Partial elimination of proviral DNA and transposition of new sequence occured. It seems that stable mitotic and meiotic segregation of exlrachromosomal transgenome and its stable replication depends upon the acquired fragment of mouse genomic DNA.