Biopolymers and cell. 1997; 13 (6): 484 - 492



Screening and peculiarity of the biological action of synthetic plant growth regulators


V. A. Tsygankova, Ya. B. Blume


As a result of biological screening among synthetic compounds that Iwve growth regulatory activities in culture tissues in vitro and in vivo in plants, 5 perspective substances were chosen as the substitutes of phytohormones. Thus, it was found that Ivin (N-oxide 2,6-dimethylpyridine) revealed predominant cytokinin activity in vitro and a cytokinin-gibberelin activity in vivo; Methyur (Na-derivative 6-methylthyouracyl) showed an expressive cytokinin-gibberellin activity in vivo; Triamelon (Iodide tris (2,2-trimethylammoniummethyl phosphate) revealed a cytokinin-anxin activity in vitro; preparation D-W7 (.l-acety lamina-1-acetylthyo-2-oxo-2-phenylethan) revealed an auxine-like effect and the preparation N 2622 (derivative tetrahydrothyophendioxide) showed an expressive auxin activity in vivo. The model of mediated action of plant growth regulators through phytohormones is proposed.