Biopolymers and cell. 1999; 15 (1): 57 - 62



Modification of the DNA structure of plasmid pATV-8 in transgenic mice. 3. Analysis of nucleotide sequence of the extrachromosomal transient, and it's replication in insect cells


K. V, Krysan, I. M. Kikhno, L. 1. Strokovskaya, A. P. Solomko


We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the mwine extrachromosomal transgene. Analysis of DNA sequences, which were generated by rearrangements of the primary injected plasmid, revealed high homology with consensus sequence for eukaryotic ori replication,. Most probably, due to these sequences transgene has gained the ability to replicate in mouse cells. We have also demonstrated, that given transgene is able to replicate in the insect cells.