Biopolymers and cell. 1999; 15 (6): 493 - 495



The active oxygen forms production and aggregation of human blood neutrophils under the action of recombinant interleukin-1/i


G. N. Semenkova, E. I. Kovalenko, P. P. Murzenok, S. N. Cherenkevicli


The influence of recombinant inierleukin-lft (rlL-Jfi) on human blood neutrophils aggregation has been studied. T/ie sharp increase of the rate of* spontaneous cell's aggregation under the rIL-lfi influence has been established. The observed effect depends on rlL-lfi concentrutfou. /./ hus Ib'eeri found that the process of rIL-lfi induced aggregation of neutrophils is coupled with the process of active oxygen fornu ge^eratipfir by.f thij ,enzy,me systems localised on the plasma membrane 'surface: ''