Biopolymers and cell. 1999; 15 (6): 557 - 567



Interaction of '.nucleic acids with cyanine dyes. 15. Spectral-fluorescence properties of novel benzothiazolmethilene-2,5-dimethylpyndine homodi- and homotrimere cyanine. dyes and their complexes with nucleic acids


I. O. Kocheshev, V. B. Kovalska, S. M. Yartnoluk, B. Akerman, C. Kh. Matsuka


Spectral properties of novel homodi- and homotrimere cyanine dyes and their complexes with nucleic acids have been investigated. The dyes studied have shown the increasing of fluorescence intensity up to 1200 and 800 times under the binding with the DMA and with the RNA respectively which make them promising as fluorescent probes for nucleic acids detection. The nature and character of aggregation of free and complexed dyes have been studied. Possible aggregate structures have been proposed.