Biopolymers and cell. 2000; 16 (1): 22 - 34



Effect of exogenic native and modified DNAs on biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments in Nicotiana tabacum L. 2. The dynamics of chlorophylls and carotenoids content in the plants of the second and third generations


V. F. Katsan, A. I. Potopalsky


The inheritance of the early-flowering type of development of the tobacco cultivar Krupnolistny 20 has been shown for the generations T2 and T3 after the treatment with preparations of native and alkylated by thiophosphamide DMA. The high level of clorophylls content at the beginning of blossom has been also observed in T2 and T3 in the leaves of alt experimental plants. The chlorophylls content in the leaves at the early stages of development is lower than in the untreated plants, but the content of dry substances is higher. The rising of the chlorophyll b portion has been shown at the early stages of the development for all investigated experimental plants and for some of them in young leaves during all the period of development. The phenotypes have been revealed with altered proportions between carotene and xanthophylls or between different xanthophylls.