Biopolymers and cell. 2000; 16 (1): 35 - 39



Peptidoglygan changes mechanical properties of vessel's walls of elastic type


I. B. Philyppov, T. L. Davidovskaya, L. P. Savinaynen, M. F. Shuba, V. K. Pozur


It has been shown that peptidoglycan (PC) of the golden staphylococcus decreases the basal tone of rat aortic strips (artery elastic type) not influencing on the input of the calcium ions into the smooth muscl e cells through the potential-dependent and receptor-opereted calcium channals of the plasma membrane and not changing the release of this cations of the intracellular stores. It has been definitely established that the changing in the mechanical properties of the aortic walls under the PC influence are due to their acting upon the connective tissue matrix, which is accompainied by the reducing of passive tension, Young modulus and the increase of the thermoinduced reactions. PG does not influence the basal tone and the mechanical properties of the rat tail artery (artery muscular type). The protein A isolated from cell walls of golden staphylo-coccus does not influence the basal tone of the arteries of both elastic and muscular types.