Biopolymers and cell. 2000; 16 (1): 69 - 74



Escherichia coli — bacteriophage A system use in studies on antimutagenic effects of plant extracts


A. S. Dvornyk, T. P. Pererwa, L. M. Moysa, V. A. Kunakh


Antimutagenic effect of Rhodiola rosea commercial preparation and of extracts derived from the biomass of cultured cells of Rhodiola rosea and its natural roots has been studied in Esherichia coli—bacteriophage A system. The yield of mutants induced has been probably decreased by the extract of cultured cell biomass, the effect of other preparations being not significant. Some synchronous fluctuations of total liter and induced phage mutant titer have been detected. The authors prove the usefulness of the given system in vivo and in vitro conditions for the investigation of antimutagenic properties of some substances.