Biopolymers and cell. 2001; 17 (4): 292 - 297



Investigation of aminomodified mica as a substrate for nucleic acids atomic force microscopy


A. P. Limansky


Adhesion forces for aminomodified (AP) mica in aqueous solutions at different ionic strength (!) and pH were determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Adhesion force values have been decreased in direction I- 10 mM -* 1— 100 mM -» pH 11.2 for pair tip —AP-mica which was modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane (APTES) vapour. Stabi- lity of AP-mica surface was estimated by AFM imaging of linear DNA A and supercoiled plasmid DNA pUC8 immobilized at AP-mica. Best DNA images were received at API mica, i. e. after mica modification with. APTES vapour in I hour.