Biopolymers and cell. 2003; 19 (6): 513 - 519



Effect of thioTEPA modified DNA forms and their monomeric components of varying alkylation degree on synthesis of nucleic acids in tumor cells


T. P., Yu. V. Patskovskii, A. I. Potopalskii, I. I. Vorobyeva


The effect of thioTEPA alkylated DNA preparations and their monomeric components on the transfer and uptake of labeled DNA precursors, thimidine and undine, dependency on the alkyl radical structure has been studies in vitro. The alkylated preparations were found to inhibit preferentially DNA synthesis in carcinoma Ehrtich and hepatoma Zajdel cells being less effective relative to RNA synthesis. The preparations bearing unclosed asiridine cycles appeared to be more effective There was no discernible variation in the effects of homo- and heterologous alkylated DNAs. Monomeric nucleic acids alkylated components (bases, nucleosides and nucleo-tides) showed less pronounced effect comparing with thioTEPA alkylated DNA.