Biopolymers and cell. Volume 20. 4. 267-289.


V. A. Kordyum


Our shagreen leather is our problem, and we have to solve it. 4. «Shagreenity» that makes our skin shagreen




The principal differences between the «living» and «non-living», are discussed taking into account the specific features of life, the «living» and an organism. In this aspect, the «living» differs from the «non-living» by the existence of information transferred from one carrier to another. While in the «non-living» its information is inseparable from the carrier, in the «living» all the material carriers get destroyed and disappear countless times, but the information and the only information) is transferred endlessly. However, the providing system is necessary for the information to be re-written. Because the «living» (in contrast to the «non-living» again, but this time in relation to a functional characteristic) differs by self-assembly, self-creation of the alike to itself out of the «unlike», the separable information of the «living» includes in itself all the information concerning «self» processes. Conceptually, the life is the way of the information existence, not in a general sense, but meaning the information aimed at the reconstruction of the systems serving for this information, for supplying every «self» process and the interactions with environment, as well as the programs for correct switching on all the systems. To correct the mistakes in the organism information system (written in DNA as its material carrier), a standard is needed. The information of an individual, being informationally closed system, is the standard by itself. However, like any closed system, an organism and its information standard inevitably degrade. In generations such informationally closed system becomes informationally open and moreover, in case of Biosphere - self-complicating (being formally closed).