Biopolymers and cell. 2005; 21 (3): 230 - 249



Our «Shagreen leather» is our problem. We have to solve it ourselves. 5. Forerunner


V. A. Kordyum


The problem of biological time and its difference from physical time (i. e. reversibility) is under discussion. Some issues of the problem usually identified as «struggle with aging» are under analysis. The possibilities of regenerative medicine are evaluated in connection with this question. The mechanism of purification (though not radical, but sufficiently effective) from the mutations accumulated in stem cells has been investigated. In the frame of the conception being developed the anabiosis and its incompatibility with the contemporary view of life are discussed. «The split of biological time» is being defined as a movement to a new level of knowledge.


Key words: stem cells, regenerative medicine, biological time, mutations, anabiosis.