Biopolymers and cell. 2005; 21 (3): 258 - 263



Extraction of intercellular glycobiopolymers from leaves of hypersensitive tobacco plants infected by tobacco mosaic virus


O. G. Kovalenko, A. M. Kyrychenko, T. A. Telegeeva


Accumulation of intercellular glycobiopolymers has been discovered at early infection stages (one day after inoculation) in apoplast of hypersensitive tobacco plants infected by tobacco mosaic virus. The two components, absent in control, were extracted by gel-filtration (on bio-gel P-10), ion-exchange (on DEAE-Sephadex) and affinity (on concanavalin A) chromatography methods. The participation of discovered components in signal transfer from infected cells to healthy ones is postulated. Due to the signal, the mechanisms are initiated to localize the virus infection and/or to develop the induced resistance of plant tissue to reinfection.


Key words: tоbacco mosaic virus, hypersensitive reaction, glycobiopolymers, concanavalin A, distribution and affinity chromatography.