Biopolymers and cell. 2006; 22 (1): 49 - 55



The collective vibration modes of hydrogen bonds as a gauge of water states in fruits and leaves


M. E. Kornienko, S. Y. Kutovyi, O. V. Piddubetska, N. P. Smoljar


The new conception of the collective vibration modes (CVM) of the water medium is used to study water states in tissues (leaves and fruit). The CVM of the hydrogen bond (HB) nets were studied by the methods of the Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopy in the region of the low-frequency LO and TO modes and high-frequency summary tones of these modes with fundamental vibrations. The frequency and intensity changes in the collective modes in comparison with distilled water are indicative of the HB nets ordered or disordered. It was found that in plant tissue the water can be both in disordered state as compared to distilled water and in more collectivized state. The existence of four different water states in leaves has been established.


Key words: Raman and IR spectroscopy, fruit juice, mezophyte and succulent leaves, water states, collective modes, HB-nets.