Biopolymers and cell. 2007; 23 (5): 416 - 424



Genomic variability in maize callus cultures of lines P346 and its derivative somaclonal lines


D. M. Maidanyuk, I. O. Andreev, K.V. Spiridonova, V. A. Kunakh


Callus tissues from individual maize plants of line P346 and derived from it through in vitro tissue culture of somaclonal variants showing increased regeneration capacity have been analyzed by RAPD. As early as after two months in culture maize calli exhibited genome changes but following four months their level decreased almost twice. The emergence of homotypic DNA changes in calli obtained from different plants of individual lines was registered thus suggesting the existence of variability hot-spots within the maize genome. The somaclonal lines were shown to vary by the level of the genetic changes in culture in vitro.


Keywords: maize, tissue culture in vitro, somaclonal lines, RAPD analysis, genome rearrangements.