Biopolymers and cell. 2008; 24 (5): 385 - 392



Study on interaction of Thermus thermophilus prolyl-tRNA synthetase with gomologous tRNA CGG Pro by methods of chemical modification in solution


S. P. Egorova, I. A. Krikliviy, O. P. Kovalenko, A. D. Yaremchuk, M. A. Tukalo


Two isoaccepting Thermus thermophilus HB8 tRNA Pro were isolated by the chromatography methods with purity about 95 and 97 % . The primary structures of isoaccepting tRNA GGG Pro and tRNA CGG Pro were studied by the gel-sequencing method, and differences between them were found in 18 positions. Our results show that in solution the gomologous prolyl-tRNA synthetase protects the phosphates allocated in D-stem (9, 10, 13), 5'-end of anticodon-stem (26–29), anticodon-loop (34, 35, 37–39) and acceptor-stem (67, 68) of tRNA CGG Pro from alkylation by ethylnitrosourea,.


Keywords: prolyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNAPro , Thermus thermo- philus, chromatography, autoradiography, ethylnitrosourea.