Biopolymers and Cell. 2010; 26 (5): 384-389



Complexing 7,3',4'-tryoxiflavonol with cell phosphatidylcholine


R. S. Nasibullin, E. R. Fahretdinova, V. M. Nusratullin, R. I. Galeeva


Bashkir State Medical University; 3, Lenine Str., Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 450000


Aim. To investigate the complex formation of 7,3',4'-try-oxyflavonol of flavonoids group with cellular phosphatidylcholine. Methods. Semi-empirical quantum chemistry, spectroscopy NMR. Results. The changes in conformational status of 7,3',4'-tryoxy- flavonol at complex formation have been shown. Conclusions. The conformational changes in phosphatidylcholine take place under the 7,3',4'-tryoxyflavonol/phosphatidylcholine complex formation.


Keywords: comlexing, tryoxyflavonol, phosphatidylcholine, NMR-spectroscopy, Overhauser effects, semi-empirical quantum chemistry.


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