Biopolymers and Cell. 2011; 27 (2): 158 - 161



Coxsackievirus infections in pregnant women with a parallel experimental model infection showing possible effects on course of pregnancy


L. Marosova, M. Sojka, J. Precechtelova, D. Stipalova, M. Badurova, M. Borsanyiova, S. Bopegamage


Department of Virology, Slovak Medical University
12, Limbova St., Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 83303


Aim of our work was firstly to determine the prevalence of anti-coxsackievirus antibodies during pregnancy. 217 serum samples were tested for antibodies by virus neutralization test against coxsackieviruses (CV) B1–B6, A7 and A9. The second aim was to investigate experimental transmission of virus to the fetus during pregnancy. Methods. Virus Neutralization Test, RT-PCR. Results. In the serological study, paired blood serum samples from 217 pregnant women were studied for antibodies against coxsackievirus serotypes (CVB1–CVB6, CVA7 and CVA9) in sera of pregnant women from selected areas of the Slovak Republic. Coxsackievirus B4 (CVB4) infection was most prevalent, followed by CVB3, CVA7, CVA9, CVB5, CVB2, CVB1 while coxsackievirus B6 (CVB6) was scarce. In 30 out of 217 cases (13.82 %) current infection was recorded. In the experimental murine study, in the second week of gravidity we observed presence of enteroviral RNA in the placenta and the intestine of the dead fetuses of the mice. Conclusions. Anti-CV antibodies were prevalent in the pregnant mothers indicating circulation of these viruses in the population. Current infection was shown in 13.82 % of studied cases. Presence of virus RNA in the organs of the unborn fetuses in the experimental infection indicates the possibility of transfer of the coxsackievirus B4-E2 infection from mother to child during antenatal development


Keywords: coxsackieviruses, pregnancy.