Biopolymers and Cell. 2012; 28(4): 285-287




1, 2Tsfasman T., 1Klibi M., 1Pichugin A., 1Lipinski M., 1Vassetzky Y. S.

1 Institut Gustave Roussy
114, rue Edouard Vaillant, Villejuif, France, 94805

2Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
5a, Maliy Kazenniy lane, Moscow, Russian Federation, 105064

The risk of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is increased in HIV-infected patients as compared to general population in Europe and in the US. This effect might be due to immune suppression and low CD4-cell counts associated with the development of AIDS. However, there is also evidence of a direct effect of HIV on B cell proliferation and differentiation, which may account for the development of B cell malignancies. We shall discuss possible mechanisms of implication of HIV in BL with a focus on the role of different viral components (Tat, Nef and gp120 proteins, viral envelope) in the c-myc/IgH translocation characteristic of BL.


Keywords: Burkitt lymphoma, lymphomagenesis, HIV-1.